最先端フレックス有機ELまで、FPD(Flat Panel Display)専門の多様なソリューション


TechnologyThe basic configurations of FINETAG ESL system
are software and electronic labels.

店舗内・物流在庫・生産現場・美術館と 博物館など展示ブース・医療現場で、 陳列保管している品物の正確な情報を 実時間で自動更新することで、 来訪顧客への感動サービスと同時に、 応接スタッフに楽しい業務環境と、 商品製造現場の安全と効率化を提供します。



ESL Server Platform

Local Server

The Local ESL server is appropriate for small to medium business size sites of any retail stores, grocery stores, pharmacy and supermarket chains.
And it is installed on site of each local location.

Central Server

The Central ESL server is appropriate for larger sized retail stores of many chains and installed at the headquarter location. And, it manages all the
tags in the branches or chain stores from this central location.

Cloud Server

The Cloud server is efficient for business of any number of chain stores with small number of items for tags to manage on a fee based agreement for
the service. Just APs and TAGs are installed at the chain stores and the cloud ESL server manages the tags online remotely.


POS System Integration

Store POS System can be connected by various methods through HTTPS Open API,
FTP File Upload, Excel File Copy, etc. What store managers need to do is just changing the price on POS Program.


Features of TAG

High speed

Built-in Wireless Network Load-balancing Algorithm, Packet Compression Algorithm, etc. enables a large number of tag displays to be changed at a high
speed without any buffering or delay.

Easy Installation

Once you wake the TAG, it finds the most optimized AP system according to the built-in innovative Negotiation Algorithm Optimized, and is automatically
registered on ESL server.

OTA Update

Through OTA (over the air) Update function, firmware can be upgraded without influencing the price display.



Our system comes with web-based monitoring program. It is compatible with all the latest browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari,
etc. The store manager can monitor ESL tag status not only by the PC but also through various devices such as smart phone, tablet, Android PDA, etc.


TAG Designer

One can easily design TAG display by using Drag-and-drop method.


Network Protocol

ZigBee 2.4 GHz Wireless Protocol is used between the AP and the TAG. Ethernet Network based TCP/IP
Protocol is used between the AP and the ESL server. HTTPS Protocol is used between the ESL server and the monitoring program.